Hi, I’m Mariah.

Content Creator, Podcast Host, Founder of Best Worst Club

Mariah has found a renewed sense of purpose and belonging because of the endometriosis community. From helping other warriors prepare for the battle that is trying to get diagnosed to coping with the day- to- day aspects of chronic illness life, Mariah is passionate about it all. Being a spoonie herself gives her the ability to empathize while also being able to articulate the needs of the endometriosis community. Her vision for Best Worst Club is to blend the peer- support that’s craved deeply with the activism that’s so needed.

A woman with brown hair and a brown large brim hat on walks through a creek with her gray and white dog walking in front of her. She is smiling and looks happy while the dog is splashing and having fun.

My ultimate goal here is to create community and we can’t do that without getting to know each other, right? I’ll go first…

I’m Mariah, aka EndoDoula on IG. I’m a 30 year old chronic and mental illness warrior with big dreams and little energy. My little family is my safe haven, whether everything is going right or all is going bad, my husband and fur baby Blu are exactly where I want to be.

I quite literally lost myself and my purpose throughout the years of my own journey with endometriosis. But through finding the online endometriosis community I was able to find myself again. Or rather accept the new version of me I’ve become through chronic illness life.

Warriors are saying…

Best Worst Club

A person sitting down at a wooden desk with an open laptop. They are were a mustard yellow sweater and are typing on the keyboard of the laptop.
A close up of multiple people's hand stacked on top of each other.

Virtual & IRL Events



One of the hardest parts of living with endometriosis is the isolation. Suddenly those closest to you can no longer relate to you, no matter how much they want to. There’s something so important about having a community that gets chronic illness life. That’s where BWC in-real-life and virtual events come in. An inclusive environment that simply gets YOU.

The amount of misinformation that surrounds endometriosis is overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting off on your endo journey. This is a space where you can come to find evidence- based research and tools that can help you cope with endo life.

The ACOG is the governing body over endometriosis care, this in itself has posed to be problematic to the community that actually lives with endo. Because the original beliefs around this disease is founded on the theory of retrograde menstruation and it being a period issue. This is inherently wrong and has been disproven, yet it still drives the narrative in the medical system. If we want the quality of life for endo warriors to improve we have to hold the policy drivers accountable. We have to fight for change!

Join the Club chat!

We have a private group chat on Instagram for you to plug into anytime and be surrounded by other warriors who truly understand.