The most requested form of support we hear from our Best Worst Club community is for a space that we can come together and share our realities in a safe environment that we’re truly understood. Endometriosis is listed as one of the 20 most painful conditions a person can have. (Source cited here) However, statistically the lack of support and understanding is reported as being more difficult to cope with than the physical pain and symptoms. Because on average endometriosis warriors go through 7- 10 years of being medically gaslit before receiving a proper diagnosis, this greatly impacts our own mentality around living with this disease.

Those who haven’t experienced this or the systemic mistreatment of this disease struggle to relate to our day- to- day life. So when you find yourself surrounded by people struggling to understands it’s like pour salt into an open wound. Every aspect of life changes with endometriosis, in some ways that aren’t as apparent to others. Having your struggles go unseen can add an unbearable sense of loneliness to you’re already heavy load.

“Just because someone carries it well doesn’t mean it isn’t heavy.” -Christin Lewis

But here at Best Worst Club it’s different. There’s room for your flare ups and your grief and to process all the changes happening to you an your life. Best of all, you can do so amongst other chronic illness warriors that truly get it. You can tell your story and be met with genuine understanding and empathy that can make the darkest flare days a little brighter.

Keep checking back here as we build our 2023 Best Worst Club Events Calendar. Even better, you can help us plan by letting us know if you’re interested in virtual, IRL (in real life) or both styles of chronic illness support groups. Also include what state you live in and if you’re willing to travel, how far. We can’t wait to hear from you! Get in touch here!