A Safe Space for Endo Warriors

A Safe Space for Endo Warriors

The New Year brings a new sense of hope for the endometriosis community.

The array of symptoms and the levels of pain that come along with endo can debilitating. But one of the most overwhelming effects to cope with is the lack of understanding and sense of loss of belonging. Going through the battle of just trying to get diagnosed feels like trying to find a way off a deserted island.

After being gaslit, dismissed and not believed having someone else say, “I get it.” and truly mean it feels like a brick being taken out of the exhaustingly heavy pack on your back. It doesn’t change the damage done by endometriosis or the lack of quality care, unfortunately! But it can be a lifeline in the middle of the depths of flares. Or in the midst of feeling lost trying to navigate how much endo can change your life.

But where do you find that?
Does that even exist…??

In it’s final building stages

Coming this January, 1/05/24 to be exact, endo warriors will finally have a virtual space to find community that not only fully understands endo life. But want to help other warriors through their journeys by sharing support and resources.

The Clubhouse will open it’s virtual doors soon offering support cohorts with bi- weekly meetings. Along with an ever- growing Library with endo articles, a Studio with helpful videos such as endo meditations and gentle stretches for endo pain along with events featuring special guests from the endo community.