Take the bath…

If it’ll ease the pain even just a bit,
take the bath.
if it’s just a little bit easier and saves
even half a spoon more than a shower,
take the bath.
If you’ve been putting it off but you
know you’ll feel a little better,
take the bath.
If you need to pause the day/night
and soothe the thoughts,
take the bath.

Before endometriosis symptoms were part of my daily life bathes were like a special occasion, extra relaxing, self care ritual type thing. Now they are necessity and I’ve had to work. through some weird internalized ableism type thoughts to allow myself to take the bath. So if you struggle with this at all too I hope it helps.

One thing that has helped me is to intentionally schedule rest. Especially if I know I have a busy stretch and expect to be out of spoons. I try to plan ahead and give my body the space it needs to recover. I’ve found that it helps my anxiety levels around knowing an activity or day is going to be exhausting. While also partnering with my body instead of getting angry when the flare feelings start to hit.


As an endo warrior I’m constantly distracted…